This visual experience was assembled using multiple glsl shaders I did (some older and some new). It was done as a tribute to a demoscene pice I love from MFX and Kewlers band. We find many classic visuals of the demoscene culture, checkerboard, chromatic aberrations, raymarching, glow... which is really enjoyable to create with pure shaders. It was all done in shader, it can be found here CODE : #define GLOW_SAMPLES 16 #define GLOW_DISTANCE 0.05 #define GLOW_POW 1.9 #define GLOW_OPACITY .76 #define sat(a) clamp(a, 0., 1.) #define PI 3.14159265 #define TAU (PI*2.0) mat2 r2d(float a) { float c = cos(a), s = sin(a); return mat2(c, -s, s, c); } float hash11(float seed) { return mod(sin(seed*123.456789)*123.456,1.); } vec3 getCam(vec3 rd, vec2 uv) { float fov = 3.; vec3 r = normalize(cross(rd, vec3(0.,1.,0.))); vec3 u = normalize(cross(rd, r)); return normalize(rd+fov*(r*uv.x+u*uv.y)); } vec2 _min(vec2 a, vec2 b) { if (a.x < b.x) return a; return b; } float _cucube(vec3 p, vec3 s, vec3 th) { vec3 l = abs(p)-s; float cube = max(max(l.x, l.y), l.z); l = abs(l)-th; float x = max(l.y, l.z); float y = max(l.x, l.z); float z = max(l.x, l.y); return max(min(min(x, y), z), cube); } float _cube(vec3 p, vec3 s) { vec3 l = abs(p)-s; return max(l.x, max(l.y, l.z)); } float _grid(vec3 p, vec3 sp, float sz) { p = mod(p+sp*.5,sp)-sp*.5; return min(length(p.xy)-sz, min(length(p.xz)-sz, length(p.yz)-sz)); } float smin( float a, float b, float k ) { // Thanks IQ float h = clamp( 0.5+0.5*(b-a)/k, 0., 1. ); return mix( b, a, h ) - k*h*(1.0-h); } float _seed; float rand() { _seed++; return hash11(_seed); } float _time; vec2 fish(vec3 p) { p*= .5; p.y += sin(p.x*2.+_time*.75)*0.15-.1; p.xz *= r2d(sin(_time*2.+p.x*3.)*.3); p -= vec3(0.,-.3,0.); p.xy *= mix(1.,.985,sat(sin((p.x)*100.+_time*5.)*.5+.5)); float acc = 100.; acc = min(acc, length(p*vec3(1.,2.,3.))-.25); acc = smin(acc, length(p*vec3(1.,2.,3.)-vec3(-0.25,.0,0.))-.17, .1); vec3 pail = p; pail.yz *= r2d(.15*sign(pail.z*2.)*sin(_time)); acc = min(acc, max(abs(pail.y-.06)-0.001, (length(pail*vec3(3.,1.,1.)-vec3(.1,0.,0.))-.25))); vec3 ptail = p*vec3(1.,sign(p.y),1.); ptail -= vec3(-.5,0.05,0.); ptail.xy *= r2d(.7); ptail.z -= sat(10.*-ptail.x)*sin(ptail.y*200.)*.005; acc = smin(acc, max(abs(ptail.z)-0.001, length(ptail*vec3(1.,2.,1.))-.125), .05); vec3 peye = p-vec3(0.15,-0.03,0); peye.z = abs(peye.z)-.05; acc = min(acc, length(peye)-.03); return vec2(acc, 0.); } vec2 map(vec3 p) { vec2 acc = vec2(10000.,-1.); vec3 pt = p; p.xz *= r2d(PI*.35); float shape = fish(p).x; acc = _min(acc, vec2(shape, 0.)); float tube = length(pt.xy)-3.; acc = _min(acc, vec2(-tube, 1.)); float planetext = abs(pt.z)-0.001; planetext = max(planetext, (length(pt.xy)-2.)); //acc = _min(acc, vec2(planetext, 2.)); return acc; } vec3 getNorm(vec3 p, float d) { vec2 e = vec2(0.01, 0.); return normalize(vec3(d)-vec3(map(p-e.xyy).x, map(p-e.yxy).x, map(p-e.yyx).x)); } vec3 textCol; vec3 trace(vec3 ro, vec3 rd, int steps) { textCol = vec3(0.); vec3 p = ro; for (int i = 0; i < steps && distance(p, ro) < 50.; ++i) { vec2 res = map(p); if (res.x < 0.01 && res.y == 2.) { res.x += 0.02; //textCol = 1.5*vec3(0.996,0.463,0.282)*texture(iChannel2, -p.xy*.4+.3+vec2(0.1,.1)).xyz; //textCol += texture(iChannel3, -p.xy).xxx; } if (res.x < 0.01) return vec3(res.x, distance(p, ro), res.y); p+=rd*res.x*.5; } return vec3(-1.); } vec3 getMat(vec3 p, vec3 n, vec3 rd, vec3 res) { return n*.5+.5; } float checkerBoardA(vec2 uv, float sz) { vec2 uvsine = sin(uv/sz); float sharp = iResolution.x*sz; float checker = sat(uvsine.x*sharp); checker = mix(checker, 1.-checker, sat(uvsine.y*sharp)); return checker; } vec3 rdrtunnelfish(vec2 uv) { vec3 col = vec3(0.); float d = 2.; float t = iTime*sign(sin(iTime*.25)); vec3 rorot = vec3(d*sin(t), -2., d*cos(t)); vec3 ro = vec3(-3.,2.,-5.)*.3; if (mod(iTime, 10.) < 5.) ro = -ro; if (mod(iTime, 5.) < 2.5) ro = rorot; vec3 ta = vec3(0.,-.5,0.); vec3 rd = normalize(ta-ro); rd = getCam(rd, uv); vec3 res = trace(ro, rd, 128); float depth = 100.; if (res.y > 0.) { depth = res.y; vec3 p = ro+rd*res.y; vec3 n = getNorm(p, res.x); col = n*.5+.5; col = getMat(p, n, rd, res); col = vec3(0.); if (res.z == 1.) { float an = atan(p.y, p.x); vec2 uvc = vec2(an, p.z*.25-iTime*2.25); col = .7*vec3(1.)*checkerBoardA(uvc, .1); col += vec3(0.894,0.369,0.525)*texture(iChannel3, -uvc*r2d(.5)*2.).x; vec3 ldir = normalize(vec3(1.)); col *= .2+sat(-dot(ldir, n)); } else col += vec3(0.,1.,0.)*sat(fwidth(depth)*40.0); } col += textCol; col = mix(col, vec3(0.153,0.706,0.667)*.75, 1.-exp(-depth*0.067)); float beat = 1./2.1; float fbeat = mod(iTime, beat)/beat; col += vec3(.1)*pow(1.-fbeat,5.); return col; } vec2 maptess(vec3 p) { vec2 acc = vec2(10000.); for (int i = 0; i < 5; ++i) { p.xy *= r2d(iTime*.5); p.xz *= r2d(float(i)); p *= .8; float cucube = _cucube(p, vec3(.85), vec3(.01)); acc = _min(acc, vec2(cucube, float(i))); } return acc; } float tailwing(vec3 p) { float thick = 0.02; float dist = max(abs(p.z)-thick, abs(p.x)-1.); dist = max(dist, -p.y+.5); dist = max(dist, p.y-3.5); dist = max(dist, (p.x+.6*p.y-1.5)); return dist; } float plane(vec3 p) { vec3 rep = vec3(30.); vec3 id = floor((p+rep*.5)/rep); //p = mod(p+rep*.5,rep)-rep*.5; p+= sin(id+iTime)*.5; p.y += sin(iTime*3.+p.x*.5)*.5; p.yz *= r2d(sin(id.x+iTime*2.)*.05); float dist = 10000.; float planeLength = 5.; // Plane body float planeCenter = max(length(p.yz)-1., abs(p.x)-planeLength); dist = min(dist, planeCenter); // Plane nose float planeNose = length(p-vec3(planeLength, 0.,0.))-1.; vec3 plowerNose = (p-vec3(planeLength, -0.3,0.))*vec3(.65,1.5,1.1); planeNose = smin(planeNose, length(plowerNose)-1., .2); dist = smin(dist, planeNose, 0.02); // Plane tail vec3 ptail = p+vec3(planeLength, 0.,0.); float tailrad = 1.+ptail.x*.2; float planeTail = length(ptail.yz+vec2(ptail.x*.2, 0.))-tailrad; planeTail = max(planeTail,ptail.x); planeTail = max(planeTail, -ptail.x-3.); dist = min(dist, planeTail); // plane tailwing dist = min(dist, tailwing(ptail+vec3(1.75,0.,0.))); vec3 ptailwingsides = ptail+vec3(1.75,0.,0.); ptailwingsides.z = -abs(ptailwingsides.z); ptailwingsides.yz *= r2d(PI*.5); dist = min(dist, tailwing(ptailwingsides)); vec3 pwings = p+vec3(1.5,0.,0.); pwings.z = -abs(pwings.z); pwings.yz *= r2d(PI*.5+sin(pwings.z*.5+iTime*5.+length(id)*3.)*.2*sat(-pwings.z*.15)); dist = smin(dist, tailwing(pwings*.5), .2); return dist; } vec3 tracetess(vec3 ro, vec3 rd, int steps) { vec3 p = ro; for (int i = 0; i < steps; ++i) { vec2 res = maptess(p); if (res.x < 0.01) return vec3(res.x, distance(p, ro), res.y); p+= rd*res.x; } vec3(-1.); } vec3 getNormaltess(float d, vec3 p) { vec2 e = vec2(0.001,0.); return normalize(vec3(d) - vec3(maptess(p-e.xyy).x, maptess(p-e.yxy).x, maptess(p-e.yyx).x)); } vec3 grad(float f) { vec3 cols[4]; cols[0] = vec3(0.1); cols[1] = vec3(1.,0.,0.); cols[2] = vec3(1.000,0.427,0.180); cols[3] = vec3(1.000,0.608,0.439); f = f*3.0; vec3 prev = cols[int(f)]; vec3 next = cols[int(min(f+1.,3.))]; return mix(prev, next, fract(f)); } vec3 rdrtess(vec2 uv) { vec3 col; float d = 11.; vec3 ro = vec3(sin(_time)*d,0.,cos(_time)*d); vec3 ta = vec3(0.,0.,0.); vec3 rd = normalize(ta-ro); rd = getCam(rd, uv); vec3 res = tracetess(ro, rd, 256); if (res.y > 0.) { vec3 p = ro + rd*res.y; vec3 n = getNormaltess(res.x, p); col = n*.5+.5; col = grad(res.z/5.); } return col; } float lenny(vec2 p) { return abs(p.x)+abs(p.y); } vec3 getDir(vec3 fwd, vec2 uv) { vec3 r = normalize(cross(normalize(fwd), vec3(0.,1.,0.))); vec3 u = normalize(cross(r, normalize(fwd))); float fov = .8; return uv.x*r+uv.y*u+fov*fwd; } vec2 add(vec2 a, vec2 b) { if (a.x < b.x) return a; return b; } // Credits to IQ float sdBox( vec3 p, vec3 b ) { vec3 q = abs(p) - b; return length(max(q,0.0)) + min(max(q.x,max(q.y,q.z)),0.0); } vec2 maptwist(vec3 p) { vec3 p2 = p-vec3(0.,1.,0.); p2.xz *= r2d(sin(p.y+iTime)); vec2 box = vec2(sdBox(p2, vec3(1., 3., 1.)), 1.); vec2 ground = vec2(p.y, 0.); vec2 shape =add(box, ground); if (iTime > 185.) { shape = ground; p.y += -2.; shape = _min(shape, vec2(plane(p*2.), 5.)); } return shape; } // Credits to IQ vec3 calcNormal( in vec3 p, in float t ) { float e = 0.001*t; vec2 h = vec2(1.0,-1.0)*0.5773; return normalize( h.xyy*maptwist( p + h.xyy*e ).x + h.yyx*maptwist( p + h.yyx*e ).x + h.yxy*maptwist( p + h.yxy*e ).x +*maptwist( p +*e ).x ); } vec3 rdr2(vec2 uv) { vec3 grad = (1.-sat(abs(uv.x*1.)))*vec3(0.6, 0.87,1.).zxy; vec3 col = grad*.5*(sin(iTime*.5)*.5+.5); col += (1.-pow(sat(lenny(uv)-.2), .5))*.5; float bps = 1./2.2; float beat = mod(iTime, bps)/bps; float beat2 = mod(iTime+1., bps)/bps; float dist = 12. +1.5*beat; float camT = iTime*.5; vec3 ro = vec3(dist*sin(camT),4.+sin(camT),dist*cos(camT));//vec3(sin(iTime*.5+1.), 1., -5.+mod(iTime, 30.)); vec3 target = vec3(0., 2.,0.); vec3 rd = getDir(normalize(target-ro),uv); float d = 0.01; for (int i = 0; i < 128; ++i) { vec3 p = ro + rd * d; vec2 res = maptwist(p); if (res.y > 0.5) col += .3*pow((1.-sat(res.x*.05)), 5.5)*.03*vec3(0.4,.57,1.); if (res.x < 0.01 && d < 100.) { vec3 norm = calcNormal(p, d); vec3 diff = vec3(0.); vec3 spec = vec3(0.);//0.3, 0.7,1.); if (res.y < 0.5) { float chkSz = 2.5; float sharp = 50.; float offz = 0.; if (iTime > 185.) offz = iTime*15.; float checkerBoard = mod(p.x*1.+offz, chkSz) - .5*chkSz; checkerBoard = clamp(checkerBoard*sharp, -1.0, 1.0); checkerBoard *= clamp((mod(p.z*1., chkSz) - .5*chkSz)*sharp, -1., 1.); diff = mix(vec3(0.),vec3(1.), sat(checkerBoard*1.)); spec = vec3(1.,.1,0.1).zxy; } spec = spec.zyx; float lSpd = .5; vec3 lPos = vec3(0.,1.,0.); vec3 lDir = normalize(lPos-p); col += vec3(.1); // Ambient vec3 h = normalize(lDir+rd); col += diff*sat(dot(norm, lDir)); // diffuse col += spec*pow(sat(dot(norm,h)), 2.9); // spec break; } d += res.x*.5; } col += grad*.2; //col *= 1.-pow(sat(length(uv*.5)), .5); if (iTime < 185.) ;// col += (1.-pow(sat(lenny(uv*.5)), .5))*.1*sat(d-10.)*.15; col *= (1.-sat(beat2-.7))*vec3(1.)*(pow(sat(d/100.), .1))*.5; return col; } float _base(vec3 p) { float stpa = PI*2./12.; float an = atan(p.z,p.x); float b = mod(an+stpa*.5,stpa)-stpa*.5; vec3 p2 = p; p2.xz = vec2(sin(b), cos(b))*length(p.xz); vec3 p3 = p2-vec3(0.,0.,1.); p2.yz *= r2d(.7); float shape = _cube(p2, vec3(.2,.2,10.))-mod(p.z,.2); shape = min(shape, _cube(p3, vec3(.1,1.,.2))); return shape; } float cir(vec2 p, float r) { return length(p)-r; } float sqr(vec2 p, vec2 b) { vec2 q = abs(p)-b; return max(q.x,q.y); } float sdf_zicon(vec2 uv) { float th = 0.01*2.; float sz = 0.1; float acc = 1000.; acc = abs(cir(uv-vec2(.3), sz))-th; acc = min(acc,abs(cir(uv-vec2(-.3), sz))-th); acc = min(acc,abs(cir(uv-vec2(-.3,.3), sz*.7))-th); acc = min(acc,abs(cir(uv-vec2(.3,-.35), sz*1.3))-th); acc = min(acc, sqr(uv-vec2(-0.015,.3), vec2(.21,th))); acc = min(acc, sqr((uv-vec2(-0.0,.0))*r2d(-PI/4.), vec2(.32,th))); acc = min(acc, sqr((uv-vec2(-0.015,-.3))*r2d(0.1), vec2(.19,th))); return acc; } vec2 mapreaction(vec3 p) { vec2 acc = vec2(10000.,-1.); vec3 pcubes = p; vec3 repcubes = vec3(1.); pcubes = mod(pcubes+repcubes*.5,repcubes)-repcubes*.5; float cubes = _cube(pcubes, repcubes*.4); cubes = max(cubes, -(length(p)-10.)); cubes = min(cubes,-(length(p)-12.)); acc = _min(acc, vec2(cubes, 1.)); //acc = _min(acc, vec2(length(p)-1., 0.)); acc = _min(acc, vec2(_base(p-vec3(0.,2.,0.)), 2.)); acc = _min(acc, vec2(_base(p*vec3(1.,-1.,1.)-vec3(0.,2.,0.)), 2.)); float beat = 1./2.; float fbeat = mod(iTime, beat)/beat; if (iTime < 125.) fbeat = 1.; float sz = mix(.5,1., fbeat); float fish = fish(sz*p*.4-vec3(0.,.5,0.)).x; float of = fish; float oplane = plane(p*vec3(1.,-1.,1.)*3.); if (iTime > 135.) fish = mix(fish,oplane, sat((iTime-135.)*.25)); acc = _min(acc, vec2(fish, 5.)); return acc; } vec3 getNormreaction(vec3 p, float d) { vec2 e = vec2(0.001, 0.); return normalize(vec3(d)-vec3(mapreaction(p-e.xyy).x, mapreaction(p-e.yxy).x, mapreaction(p-e.yyx).x)); } vec3 bubble; vec3 accReact; vec3 tracereaction(vec3 ro, vec3 rd, int steps) { accReact = vec3(0.); bubble = vec3(0.); vec3 p = ro; for (int i = 0; i < steps; ++i) { vec2 res = mapreaction(p); if (res.y == 0. && res.x < 0.001) // bubble { res.x += 4.; vec3 n = normalize(p); bubble += .5*sat(dot(rd,-n))*texture(iChannel2, vec3(1.,-1.,1.)*reflect(rd, n)).xyz*.2; } if (res.x < 0.001) return vec3(res.x, distance(p, ro), res.y); if (iTime > 125.) accReact += abs(sin(p))*(1.-sat(res.x/.5))*.005; p+=rd*res.x*.5; } return vec3(-1.); } vec3 getMatreaction(vec3 p, vec3 n, vec3 rd, vec3 res) { vec3 ambient = vec3(.2); vec3 diff = vec3(.2); vec3 lpos = vec3(0.); vec3 lcol = vec3(.1,.1,.3)*3.; vec3 specind = vec3(0.); if (res.z == 1. || res.z == 2.) { specind = vec3(1.000,0.788,0.702)*.1*texture(iChannel2, reflect(rd,n)*vec3(1.,-1.,1.)).xyz; } else return (n*.5+.5)*.55; return ambient+lcol*sat(dot(-normalize(p-lpos),n))/length(p) +specind; } vec3 rdrreaction(vec2 uv) { uv *= r2d(sin(_time)*.5); vec3 col = vec3(0.); float sig = 1.; if (iTime > 125.) sig = sign(sin(iTime*.5)); float t = _time*.35*sig; float d =5.; vec2 off = 0.*(vec2(rand(), rand())-.5)*.05; t+= off.x; vec3 ro = vec3(sin(t)*d,-2.+off.y,cos(t)*d); vec3 ta = vec3(0.,0.,0.); vec3 rd = normalize(ta-ro); rd = getCam(rd, uv*.5); vec3 res = tracereaction(ro, rd, 256); if (res.y > 0.) { vec3 p = ro+rd*res.y; vec3 n = getNormreaction(p, res.x); col = getMatreaction(p, n, rd, res); } col += bubble; col += accReact; float beat = 1./2.1; float fbeat = mod(iTime, beat)/beat; col += vec3(.1,.2,.5)*pow(1.-fbeat,5.); return col; } void mainImage( out vec4 fragColor, in vec2 fragCoord ) { vec2 ouv = (fragCoord)/iResolution.xy; vec2 uv = (fragCoord-.5*iResolution.xy)/iResolution.xx; _time = iTime; _seed = iTime+texture(iChannel0, uv).x; //vec2 off = .75*(vec2(rand(), rand())-.5)*2.*1./iResolution.x; float pix = .005; //uv = floor(uv/pix)*pix; vec2 off = vec2(1., -1.)/(iResolution.x*1.5); if (iTime > 80. && iTime < 110.) { vec2 uv2 = abs(uv); uv = uv2-vec2(.1+.1*floor(hash11(floor(iTime*2.))*5.),0.1); } vec3 col = rdrtunnelfish(uv); col = sat(col); float f = float(iTime > 67.5 && iTime < 90.); if (iTime > 45.0) col = mix(col, rdr2(uv), sat(sin(iTime*2.)*10.)+f); col += .5*sat(sin(iTime)*.5+.5)*rdrtess(uv*.1*sin(iTime*.1)) *sat(iTime-20.); if (iTime > 100.) col = mix(col, rdrreaction(uv), sat((iTime-100.)*.25)); if (iTime > 175.) { col = rdr2(uv); } if (iTime > 155. && iTime < 185.) col += sat(sin(iTime)*.5+.5)*rdrtess(uv*.1); vec3 zicon = vec3(1.)*(1.-sat(sdf_zicon(uv*2./vec2(sin(iTime), 1.))*500.)); col = mix(col, col*.5+zicon, sat(sat((iTime-200.)*.25))); col *= sat(iTime-5.); col *= 1.-sat(iTime-210.); col += rand()*.2; col = sat(col); col = mix(col, texture(iChannel1, fragCoord/iResolution.xy).xyz, .5); fragColor = vec4(col,1.0); } // This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 // Unported License. To view a copy of this license, visit // or send a letter to Creative Commons, PO Box 1866, Mountain View, CA 94042, USA. // ======================================================================== ================================= void mainImage( out vec4 fragColor, in vec2 fragCoord ) { vec2 uv = fragCoord/iResolution.xy; const int steps = GLOW_SAMPLES; vec3 col = vec3(0.); for (int i = 0; i< steps; ++i) { float f = float(i)/float(steps); f = (f -.5)*2.; float factor = GLOW_DISTANCE; vec2 nuv = uv+vec2(f*factor, 0.); col += texture(iChannel0, uv+vec2(f*factor,0.)).xyz/float(steps); } fragColor = vec4(col,1.0); } // Fork of "compilcookie" by z0rg. // 2024-02-29 21:02:45 // Fork of "NewTemplate3D" by z0rg. // 2024-01-14 19:06:46 // Fork of "Template3D" by z0rg. // 2023-02-21 12:03:48 // This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 // Unported License. To view a copy of this license, visit // or send a letter to Creative Commons, PO Box 1866, Mountain View, CA 94042, USA. // ======================================================================== ================================= void mainImage( out vec4 fragColor, in vec2 fragCoord ) { vec2 uv = fragCoord/iResolution.xy; const int steps = GLOW_SAMPLES; vec3 col = vec3(0.); for (int i = 0; i< steps; ++i) { float f = float(i)/float(steps); f = (f -.5)*2.; float factor = GLOW_DISTANCE; vec2 nuv = uv+vec2(0.,f*factor); col += texture(iChannel0, uv+vec2(0.,f*factor)).xyz/float(steps); } vec3 rgb = texture(iChannel1, uv).xyz+GLOW_OPACITY*pow(col, vec3(GLOW_POW)); rgb = pow(rgb*1.2, vec3(2.2)); vec2 cuv = (fragCoord-.5*iResolution.xy)/iResolution.xx; // Trial to flare with mipmap /* rgb = vec3(0.); float cnt =7.; float acc = 0.; for (float j = 0.; j < cnt; ++j) { float f = sat(j/cnt); f = f*f*f; acc += f; rgb += texture(iChannel1, uv, j).xyz*f; } rgb /= acc; */ fragColor = vec4(rgb,1.0); } // This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 // Unported License. To view a copy of this license, visit // or send a letter to Creative Commons, PO Box 1866, Mountain View, CA 94042, USA. // ======================================================================== ================================= vec3 postFX(vec2 uv, float blur) { vec3 col; int cnt = 20; float fcnt = float(cnt); for (int i = 0;i