
Biography: Grain noir
GRAIN noir is a programmer, sound and visual designer working in the interaction field between sound and visual.
"GRAIN" is the acronym of 「Generative Random Audio Images Numbers」and "noir" refers to the hypothetical dark matter.
The purpose of his works is to create experiments about technology, philosophy and metaphysics, in a metaphorical and abstract way.
As a digital artist, his works range from sound to audio/visual performance, software and installation.
::PROCESS:: ::colon:: is a visual live coding environment developed by the audiovisual artist GRAIN noir ( initially for Tokyo Algorave ( The software is developed with Three.js, a cross-browser JavaScript library and application programming interface (API) used to create and display animated 3D computer graphics in a web browser using WebGL. The session starts by logging in the terminal before accessing the ::colon:: interface. The UI is inspired by minimal terminal interfaces and is composed of the following elements:
- input terminal: this is where the user enter commands
- log: display command helper and system logs
- signal: show the raw PCM audio data if audio input is enabled
- debug (optional): display camera and objects in debug mode The commands are used to interact with 3D primitive shapes in the environment (box, sphere, plane) called artifacts, properties such as position, rotation, scale, colors, amount, resolution, draw mode can be set through the create command. The goto command is the vessel of this 3D exploration system: the camera can indeed be animated to move toward created artifacts or position by specifying an object index, a vector and a duration through the goto command. On top of these commands, the audio input can be enabled to map scene parameters to the live raw audio data. The WebGL rendered can also be switched to ASCII mode in order to display the 3D render using characters and symbols. See the documentation for the complete list of commands and parameter types.


Grain noir X aka.rien — colon


Biography: aka.rien
Il y a une personne que j’aime qui voir floue de près et de loin, j’aimerai lui acheter des lunettes progressives, mais j’ai pas les ressources nécessaires
Je brûler beaucoup trop de ressources, j’aime beaucoup et fort
Dans la vie j’ai besoin de savoir ou je mets les pieds, même si ce n’est pas très solide. Le mieux c’est un rocher parce que ça bouge pas, mais je sais aussi marcher sur les nénuphars si j’anticipe.
J'ai rec une session de Orca avec Sunvox en live

Et pour faire un truc qui match à la vidéo j'ai fait des sortes de bruitage avec un synthé numérique en live (plinky).....Toute ma vie j’ai couru après l’amitié, les amis viennent à moi maintenant