
Biography: Val Gigena
Born in Córdoba, Argentina, in 1990. Completed high school studies at the Collegium Musical School in 2008. In 2012, began programming with PureData under the guidance of Alexandre Porres (São Paulo, Brazil). In 2020, won the virtual performance award from INT and in 2021, the 1st Figueroa Digital Prize. In 2021, completed the diploma in Video Game Development at UTN. In 2022, graduated from the University Technical Degree in Multimedia Creation at the Provincial University of Córdoba. Completed the Diploma in Artistic Game Development at UNCuyo. Currently pursuing a master's degree in "Sound Art" at the National University of Quilmes. Participates in research groups focused on art and technology and live coding at UPC and UNC. Statement
I work from playful experimentation with technology that I can intervene in and reappropriate, such as computers or obsolete video games, software and hardware that allow creative freedoms through programming, modularization, or the construction of new objects. Thus, I explore the particularities of a variety of techniques such as live coding, soundscapes, circuit bending, video games, 3D printing, 3D modeling, circuit construction, programming, video art, glitch, etc. At the same time, I reclaim manual tasks such as blacksmithing, carpentry, sewing, or screen printing, which leads me to prioritize their unexpected potentials and then work on the relationships - whether of tension or articulation - between them.
This eclectic and voracious search is carefully materialized, generating tension between the minimalism of gestures and the volatility of experimentation.
I am characterized by uncertainty and impermanence, concepts that contradict the productivist tendencies associated with new technologies. I do not attempt to generate spectacle in my works, but still perceive in the viewers a sense of wonder or enjoyment of the strangeness when immersing themselves in the almost fantastical yet very real worlds that I am creating. Although I consider myself a politicized person, it is not evidently easy to trace specific topics of interest in my work, although they are always present in one way or another.
In this social and political context, Argentina being governed by the far-right after a long time of not-so anti-popular governments. Also, as part of the Global South in a globalized and accelerated world, I often find myself perplexed, almost feverish, in moments when I can stop running, and it is then when I spot these little beings that are always around us. I call them umbríos, dark beings that are not necessarily negative but are indeed part of my necessary ritual of externalization. Vital to materialize that cluster of sensations, experiences, assumptions, and other processes that accompany me closely, as if lurking every day. And I can not continue ignoring what is happening. They can be guardians, they can be lost, they can be symbionts. The technical process is very different from the rest of my works, in this case, I only notice it, and try to register with my cell phone,(which is another umbrío that always haunts me), small remains of 3D prints or 3D prints specifically made through "OpenScad," a software that generates models from code. Also, sometimes the models hiding these beings can be simple garbage bags. And then a rather simple editing process to achieve high contrasts and the sensation of abstraction. I believe that a fundamental factor is the necessary state in which I engage and through which it is possible to access this style of spontaneous creation.
It could be finding a light that is suitable for testing, experimenting, connecting, and disconnecting between this world and the word of the umbríos. Another important part is also sharing this altered vision so that, like a virus, it spreads to other eyes and they too can play with that abstraction. Because this multiple words coexist, and we need to be able to be free and at least see beyond. En este contexto social y político, Argentina siendo gobernada por la ultra derecha luego de mucho tiempo de gobiernos no tan anti-populares. Además como sur global en un mundo globalizado y acelerado, me suelo encontrar perplejo, casi como afiebrado en los momentos en los cuales puedo dejar de correr y es ahí cuando diviso a estos pequeños seres que siempre están a nuestro alrededor. les llamo umbríos, unos seres oscuros que no son necesariamente negativos, pero que sí son parte de mi ritual de exteriorización necesario. vitales para ver materializado ese cúmulo de secciones, experiencias, suposiciones y demás procesos que nos acompañan de cerca, como acechandonos cada día. Y no seguir ignorando lo que pasa. Pueden ser guardianes, pueden estar perdidos,pueden ser simbiontes. El proceso técnico es muy diferente al resto de mis obras, en este caso solo me percato a registrar con mi teléfono celular, que es otro umbrío que siempre me acecha, pequeños restos de impresiones 3d o impresiones 3d realizadas específicamente a través de “OpenScad” un software que genera modelos a partir de código. También en ocasiones pueden llegar a ser simples bolsas de basura los modelos que ocultan estos seres. Y luego un proceso de edición bastante simple para lograr altos contrastes y la sensación de abstracción.
Creo que un factor fundamental es el estado necesario en el que me involucro y a través del cual es posible acceder a este estilo de creación espontánea. Puede ser encontrar una luz que sea la indicada para probar, experimentar, conectar y desconectar entre este mundo y el de los umbríos. Parte importante también es compartir esta visión alterada, para que como un virus se transmita a otros ojos y puedan estos también jugar a esa abstracción.

Val Gigena X Désiré Bonaventure — Estática


Biography: Désiré Bonaventure
R.A.F. RastaKitsch Nomadic No Genre Objectif Conscience